
Friday, March 20, 2009

Obama at Tonight Show with Jai Leno

click here to see the video

Iran - died in prison the rebel blogger

One of greatest Italian president, Sandro Pertini, said that freedom and social justice are an inseparable. There can be no freedom without social justice and there can be no social justice without freedom.

I believe that a human being is not truly free unless she/he is guaranteed the right to be informed. Only then any decisions can be taken aligned with their principles/values.

I am convinced that the phenomenon of Web 2.0, will be mentioned in history books as a revolution whose impact will be even higher than the French and Industrial ones.

Like all revolutions, this change is not happening smoothly.

In Italy, mainly because the average age of its politicians, who had dramatically underestimated the phenomenon "Beppe Grillo" already mentioned in this blog, bloggers life is relatively good.

Actually some efforts to reduce their scope or limit their freedom has been done, but without relevant effects.

In other countries, bloggers are less fortunate. Omidreza Mirsayafi a young 29-year-old Iranian, arrested on 7 February after the ruling by the Revolutionary Court, died in recent days in jail.

To have earned nothing appeals to Reporters sans frontières, to free the young blogger.

The official spoke of suicide and to avoid further tensions, the Iranian government has decided to remove the censure on Face Book, trying once again to use the carrot-stick approach.

Solidarity with the family of the young Iranian and an invitation to go forward in this battle for freedom to all the bloggers of the world.

This battle for freedom has been lost, but the war for a better world will be won.