
Friday, June 26, 2009

Creativity loves constraints ...

Nowadays credit crunch, workforce reductions, politicians not qualified to manage the biggest economical crisis that the world remember since the great depression in 1929 have been putting on knee even the most optimistic man on earth.

Despite the difficulties there are still some people who see the bright side in whatever the face. I love them !!!

I believe that we learn the most during challenges instead success. Creativity loves constraints. Apollo 13 lunar mission is a good example.

Apollo 13 lunar mission launched on April 11, 1970, was the third manned mission by NASA intended to land on the moon, but a technical malfunction in the electrical system of one of the Service Module's oxygen tanks, forced the lunar landing to be aborted.

The command module remained functional on its own batteries and oxygen tank, which were only designed to support the vehicle during the last hours of flight. The crew shut down the Command Module and used the Lunar Module as a "lifeboat" during the return trip to earth.

The engineers creativity was boosted by the limited resources (oxygen time left) and despite great hardship caused by limited power, loss of cabin heat, and a shortage of potable water, the crew returned safely to Earth, and the mission was termed a "successful failure".

We cannot give up now, let's use any potential hidden force, the creativity that evolution embedded as part of our DNA. Like 39 years ago on Apollo 13 lunar mission, failure is not an option.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Eagles @ Milan 13/06/2009

No better present for my birthday enjoying a piece of Rock Story during an unforgettable concert held by The Eagles in Milan.

For these guys the time will never goes by ...