
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Benvenuti in Italia ??

In Italy 90% of the national Broadcasting televisions are under the direct control of Mr. Berlusconi (Italian premier). Three out of seven (Rete 4, Canale 5 and Italia 1) are own by Mediaset (founded and own by Berlusconi's family) and three public ones (Rai 1, Rai 2, Rai 3) are indirectly managed by the Italian government (guess who is leading it? ).

In addition Mr. Berlusconi owns some national newspapers (Il Giornale, Il Foglio) and the main national book publisher: Mondadori.

Sounds quite obvious that blogging in Italy is a such of last hope for free citizens to let their voice heard.

No wonder that a senior Italian politician warned that most of the web activities are likely to be against the law (which one?).

Carlo Ruta, the author of a sicilian blog that were investigating about the links between mafia and politicians, has been judged guilty of the crime of "stampa clandestina" – or publishing a "clandestine" newspaper!

The judge ruled that since the blog had a headline, that made it an online newspaper, and brought it within the law’s remit.

No similar charges could be identified in any western democratic country. I would like to suggest to replacing the current signs at Italian customs office (benvenuti in Italia - welcome to Italy) as Benvenuti in Cina or alternatively Benvenuti a Cuba ...

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